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Follow me around Blackpool 2024 by Jack Reavely - Part Three


No less than fourteen heats are necessary to eliminate some of the couples and pass forward others to the next round. I must say that, within the non progressive dances in latin, it is so difficult to see the couples at the far end of the room, through the multitude of fabulous couples, so relishing all that they dance. This was a qualifying round of sheer excellence. In CHA CHA CHA 39- Yalong Li and Xiaodan Zhu- and this young lady moves like a bullet train in Japan, which is always on time and its speed is amazing. When she couples this to static and end of bar pause at times, it ensures that she is able to transmit and of course her partner is of great assistance by the use of his leads. 72-Jayson Huozhi Chen and Yulia Yao Wang- he leads her, she responds and with flashing dexterity, coupled to foot pause contrasted to body motion, to expand musicality and this is very interesting indeed. 76- Johnny Yifan Zhao and Mina Xinru Mao- maturity screams from this young man of latin and he encompasses leads which assist the girl’s balance.  Unfortunately he transmits so much noise from his mouth when dancing that it detracts considerably from maturity and he is not alone. I find this an aspect of no desirability.. perhaps those who do this imagine it adds to their performance values, and also that it reduces stress, which may actually be true… he was not alone. 117- Jan Janzen and Andrea Secci- this young lady flashes smiles and her joy of dance is quite simply lovely. Her long earrings fly around, in time to the music, and her dress matches the chandelier and, with her partner they convey excellent experience.. 17- Ryder Yang and Anastasiia Zhigulina- in samba and their progression is matched musically and they contain power and imagery which instantly attracts. 41- Sandu Babira and Emmy Chladek- she certainly understands latin temperament and there is, within her body structure, a marvellous gift of being able to control speed and ooze into latin dance and of course it means she transmits characterisation which is a fabulous asset. 77- Guilherme Roboredo and Polina Golovina- in samba this young pair show the creation of being able to transmit a correct application of muscular control and they hit my eyes and ears instantly because also they use excellent control of foot and ankle.

89- Bumchin Tegshjargal and Michelle Klets- This young lady is able, instantly, to convey her love of dance in this Samba and her smile was one of contentment and pleasure. She used her body rhythm segments so beautifully controlled as well as beaming pleasure and her man of dance so assists her with her leads, which assist her to retain a lovely balance. 119- Linards Abelite and Paula Lauma Jakobija- It is Brazil they show the dance as fast and then slow and then they induce progression as if easy and it's not… Skilled nuances are inserted as they dance. Gosh isn't Blackpool marvellous?

RUMBA the sensuality of Rumba is clear in this young girl, without ever being blatantly overdone. She understands the characterisation aspects and carries it through to the last bar of music. Her man of dance understands and allows. I can see Alan and Hazel Fletcher and Peter Maxwell and Lynn Harman and they are reincarnated on this floor of dance within my memory bank, with a presence which overlays today's couples. I know not why this happened, but it did, and I saw them once more, thrilling the audience and inducing roars of applause as if it was a football match at cup final level… Actually the environment was better than that. Mental imagery is a gift of absolute succulence in us mortals. Nicola Nordin is doing a marvellous task as afternoon compere and her diction is as clear as was Marilyn Munroe's sexuality, and without being contrived… Well done Nicola, your femininity added to the event without ostentation but with the understanding of the demands of the couples who listen attentively to your information.

“One Moment In Time” by Ashley and the Orchestra made you almost die, with the sheer undiluted emotion it transmitted to the dancers. I so hope that, as the rounds go by, I will see and hear emotional aspects which thrill, such as the oozing conclusion of a knee as if it was a slow lift in descent in the Blackpool Tower. Gosh a golly this is simply awesome and I am so grateful to be involved with the proceedings. The great Latin lady of all time “Lorraine” once, in a lecture, illustrated the oozy use of the knees and ankles which she showed in such a way as to invoke an intensity of interest and those who acquire this action, can improve very quickly. The festival is blessed with the presence of Mr Michael Williams who with Natalie allowed me the privilege of the balcony view from the VIP box upstairs and this allowed me diversity of opinion, as it looks so different, and it was ultra glamorous. The privileges given were more than appreciated.


I see distinct changes, which have gradually been slotted into the ballroom style and actions. The mens right hands are much higher on the ladies backs and the left hands have been altered to a high elbow and a lower hand. Girl's poise extension in some are beyond acceptance as they show backward overcurves. Quickstep is mind bogglingly full of progression but movement has been diluted as if too much water has been added to your whiskey and the bubbles in your champagne have trebled to almost kill the taste buds. Otherwise all is well eh? The art of deception is diluted, drive and swing have escalated and been coupled to flashy dexterity. Scatter chasses and pepperpots proliferated, but nobody bored me as the challenge of almost instant analysis keeps my mind alert… hopefully.

From balcony level now and will, believe me, bring new facets into view as it is so different from floor level. The aspects of desirability change places. Will I see lovely beat threes in Waltz with a floating action? Will the control of balance be more vivid? Will the use of CBM to lubricate turns be clear? Gee Whillikers how I wish I could join the couples and dance, instead of tottering around.

Over the years, the judges have always looked for quality, including style, dexterity, and a wonderful movement and progression is almost doubled these days. Some step lengths are enormous and incorrect… Ballroom style ladies are perfectly able to dance solo, and they show me how they love it by demonstrating on their own during practice… Lovely Ladies, lucky partners. Quickstep seems to my eyes and ears to be mostly comprised of flying around, gobbling up space and forgetting to show just some basic action… why not try running cross chasse or open natural turns.. just as a small addition to the dance structure.

They are off and running again. WALTZ dresses cascade from physiques to the white collars transmitting elegance... it is Blackpool by the see 2024. Who can inspire me, with aesthetics and beautiful musicality. 41- Alieksandr Lavrov and Vilhelmina Lavrov- are very close to being inspirational. Perhaps a reduction in progression on beat three would be sufficient to give them an advantage over others, as they are already lovely and small items could be their goal. I'm watching this is as if I am in a dark cave, fifty bats fly out and flash past and an eagle follows majestically… Gosh, where is the eagle? 51-Yu Bulhwi and Jeong Bogyeong- show progression beyond the norm and have that lovely use of complacency of facial structures too and they milk a beautiful lunge. I am looking for the musicality from all the couples where is the violinist or the piano genius, using the music to inspire and deliver nostalgic tones of excellence? FOXTROT 19- Yutaro Matsuzaki and Kaoru Satake- progressing well, with incorrect footwork on weave actions… It is not toe to heel on every step. 57- Cameron Robinson and Viktoriia Breus- show a very impressive silhouette indeed, and it is a great asset for sure. Many men take a very large step outside partners on the second quick of a feather. They cannot then use the following step their right foot to induce the standing phase so usually trouble follows. 91- Zhi Li & Wei Tang- are efficient, stylish but at times losing expression on a slow step. 85- Hirotaka Shimada and Akika Muramatsu- glamorously regal as if a Prince and Princess. TANGO the art of tango has been lost and it is now athleticism and progression which rules. Where are the pauses and the timing of a slow step on which there is a dwell act to induce the correct pronunciation of the slow. 45- Ruslan Kaluizhnyi and Elena Babaeva- Understanding this dance beautifully, a couple of walks to a lunge, a recovery to promenade position, foot closures taken rhythmically and effectively, lovely contra check, a demeanour of excellence…born to tango! They gobbled up my eyes and ears and their tango was terrific on characterisation aspects too, also within function. Pheew tango stars are born in this pair of exponents… They are a reincarnation of the tango exponents of years gone by. In Foxtrot they were a trifle over swirly but so well controlled and smiling so they were able to transmit. This pair are a class act who transcend many others. Blocked? So what? They merely dance a lovely milking lunge line. 90- Volodymyr Odintsov and Mariia Nogovitsyna- so beautifully elegant and also musical. The man tends to lower weight a little too much on weaves and the heels go very near to the floor but they control many actions very well. I miss the floating of the second quicks of feathers and feather finishes which has been replaced by progression… such a shame. TANGO comes around again and no 45- Ruslan Kaluizhnyi and Elena Babaeva- once more appear and they showed stalking ferocity, coupled with how to achieve a slow. A terrific tango indeed and I feel sure the late Benny Tolmeyer would have loved what they showed. THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST TANGOS I have seen so far this festival. 66- Xiangyu Chen and Yize LI- musically good ingredients flash a clear message of excellence as they transmit staccato very well. QUICKSTEP 20- Oliver Hand and Anastasiia Lysytsyna- Excellent dance full impact, but devoid of overdance, which is lovely to see… it is called sensibility. 45- Ruslan Kaluizhnyi and Elena Babaeva- for my eyes and ears they are producing a clear challenge and I found it difficult to come to terms with their result as they did not reach the semi-final. 90-Volodymyr Odintsov and Mariia Nogovitsyna- showed the sheer joy of this dance we call quickstep and they are tall, elegant and aesthetic too. A balletic class teacher once said “Smile with your body” How true for a quickstep too. The difference between competence as a dancer and excellence all locks down to technique plus the so elusive x factors, incorporating individuality, charisma and musicality.

Image Credit: Tomasz Reindl


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