Wednesday Afternoon - Amateur Ballroom Championship Heats
There are sixteen couples in most heats and I knew this because I counted the number of feet and divided by four to get the result. Number 5, Nathan Zaytsev and Alisa Bankova show some static hip usage which shows some brittle actions. They have a clean cut nice stance and this girl is a great foil. Number 30, Denys Popov and Anastasiia Omelchenko, undulating body turn as they dance a cluster of line figures on the spot but kept their bodies changing effect. They are calm, concise and danced a good exit too. Number 61, Oleh Tereshchenko and Maria Turceaninova, have excellent use of musical crescendo and acceleration. They are young, slim and elegant...why is my face so green?
The running spin in waltz is very popular after 1-3 of a natural turn and many then dance up to five steps in succession, over one bar of music. It is difficult to portray the waltz musicality with the format shown and many try and fail. There is a difference between a pressure rise and a swing rise and you must understand the difference to be able to produce high class skill factors. A cloud of utter nostalgia should be apparent in waltz, and this can be achieved through musicality and depth of lowering, coupled with body swing and then the increasing pressure of a foot close. Number 110, Tony Cooperman and Barbara Smodleva, are on the brink of lovely musicality and using foot pressure nicely, to rise after dancing a throwaway oversway. Beat three in waltz could be investigated and they are a very promising couple.
The wings of an Eagle, after being used, allow sky float because of the lack of wing power and the pattering out of motion has to be renewed time and time again. It is like that in slow foxtrot and for example, the second quick of forward feather steps in foxtrot should be hovered beautifully so as to convey magnificent musicality. Most men dont use this to their
advantage and they elongate the step to distance which makes the following step difficult.
Number 29, Kamil Mecha and Julia Tuchewicz, in this foxtrot show terrific free body flight but not yet connected to foot placements speeds. They are very promising and able to induce the drive action nicely but they do convey oversharp body segments at times. Number 61, Oleh Tereshchenko and Maria Turceaninova - ah, on the edge of excellence of the use of musicality and so nearly eminent. They just need more time to explore rubato nuances…This pair look as if they will become very good exponents indeed. John Barry's famed music called "Somewhere in Time”, is played and I can see Rufus Dustin and Sharon Savoy from Germany in 1986 Golden Shoes TV programme. Utter musicality flew from their body segments, as they danced their hearts out to the wondrous music. Can you grasp the nettles, feel the sting of beauty, and explore the nuances of how to allow yourself the “feeling" Go on, try... please.
Number 91, Ivan Smetkin and Theda Smetkin are tall, slim, young, talented, and flowing around like a fastish river going over pebbles, which add bubble and froth to the surface... nice aspects shown here in this young couple. Generally as I watch it seems that progression is the King within the heats, and the standing phase is being overlooked and neglected... especially in foxtrot.
Number 2, Krystian Baryczka and Patrycja Skrzypek- Excellent style and good floorcraft as they show an embryonic Tango, not quite yet beaming the ultimate actions. They could hold slows a little longer and crack in the quicks to advantage. They are so nicely promising. Number 33, Piotr Niedzielski and Gabriela Golen show the essence of tango and the production of power. They appear to know how to add mushroom sauce to a plate of hot chips and they sizzle indeed so well. Number 41 Axel Kvaran and Alicja Kogut are young, so promising and showing the beginning of a good understanding of tango nuances. Number 52, Ge Xinquan and Ren Yinyuan have parts where dominance is shown so well and then they go slightly over soft. There is a tango couple here, but still struggling to create finality, and they have the mix of ingredients which could escalate their results. Number 78 Arthur Sugonajev and Tulip Wellman-Riggs show great speed on the quicks and need now to look for the slows and dwell the weight longer. They are a very promising couple with elegance too. Number 106 James Rainford and Xiaosheng Ma- are beginning to understand how to capture the music and transfer it to their bodies to enhance the glances of watchers like me.
Number 2, Krystian Baryczka and Patrycja Skrzypek are gobbling up floor space with simply indredible abilities to move their body weights. Smilingly aware of tactics and light on their feet too. This girl expands her body line very effectively however, I did feel that perhaps their stride lengths were overlarge and that some of the their structure would perhaps have been looked upon as overdance. With the capabilities they possess, they could shoot through the field in time to come by ensuring acceptability hits the minds of judges. A Multi talented pair who could escalate their results and produce excellent dance. Number 47 Jakub Gedlek and Maja Wieckowska, in this quickstep show excellent use of ankles and knees and keep step lengths under control. They also allow stance control and his facial demeanour transmits sheer joy. Number 56, Shaun Li JingShuai and Shirley Sun Na Chen, show exceptional progression in quickstep as if they are private jets taking off, and zooming into the sky of dance. Number 78 Arthur Sugonajev and Tulip Wellman-Riggs have lovely ankles and boy they need them! They are in overtaking mood and their acceleration is simply unbelievable! Then they switched to some rotational actions nicely towards the end of the dance. Number 91, Ivan Smetkin and Theda Smetkin are using lots of rotation and it was mainly to the centre of the room and turning left so they showed up very well. Then they added scatter chasses and hops. Perhaps some of the items danced were against their naturality... time will cure that. Number 120, Jeason Yu & Cindy Chen have excellent scatters to on spot crackerjacks. Well danced and to the music as well.
Within dance of many styles, there was a fantastic dancer by the name of Merc Cunningham. He was a balletic exponent and studied with the fabulous Martha Graham in New York. One lady said that he was rapturous to dance with. There was animalistic passion in the way he produced movement, and everyone gasped as he smashed into their sensory capacities. He could change direction in a split second, and his lowerings allowed a leap of such magnificence as to be mesmeric. Just think if you could capture the essence of his projections....why not? You have the same number of feet and legs that he used...
ROUND 2 Wednesday 5 Heats
Number 22 TINGHUI LI and YUWEI LIU - Beautiful exit from a throwaway oversway by understanding how to use foot pressure to rise to promenade position on the spot...lovely jubbly. Number 41 Axel Kvaran and Alicja Kogut are full of talent, although in this waltz, they show some over fast speed of foot closures. They need time to develop, as they are not yet fully musical and some slight resistance shows. Time, as always, will solve the problems if they work hard. Number 62 XUANYU JIANG and YUFEI SONG- There is a beautiful conveyance of softness through strength here and the softness of a Gentleman and a Lady. They will eventually add drive and body swing and if carefully nurtured, we will see the true beauty of waltz. Number 91, Ivan Smetkin and Theda Smetkin are like palm trees, swaying in the wind and it is beautifully danced at this stage of the event. They deserve commendation. Number 113, Max Draper and Sofiia Tyshchyk, dance nicely and correctly with whispers from tomorrow. Some muscles seem slightly overtoned in the mans chest and arms... just enough to inhibit body swing but they are a very promising pair.
Number 16, Mark Chilcote and Madison Ingoldsby, tend to walk a three step but the opening four bars were really very good and they show so much promise that jealousy overcomes my eyes and ears! They can unleash power as if they are Concordes in tandem. Their future seems sunny in a cloudless sky. Number 41, Axel Kvaran and Alicja Kogut show potential but have problems conveying musicality to my ears. They are young and fervent too...lucky young couple. Number 62 Xuanya Jiang and Yufei Song are so elegant but lack musicality on a series of quicks. The talent is there to be able to produce effectiveness in time. Number 77, Michal Jeziorowski and Aleksandra Piotrwska show a fine silhouette and action of the motion clearly. Some couples are using three steps to four beats, splitting the music to an equality of foot speeds, so a waltz action is transmitted in this foxtrot.
Number 2, Krystian Baryczka and Patrycja Skrzypek - Excellent conveyance of the necessary floor look and also unafraid to be still as they show their fangs of talent. The dancers we see in this event so far are a lot like a snack prior to a gourmet meal. If this is a small taste of what is to come, then it is simply snackatastic. Number 3, Evgeny Sveridonov and Angelina Barkova dance a beautifully clarified contra check with lovely pause to show line effectiveness. Number 39, Jovan Tan and Julia Maria Scherer are tango tigers, with musical inflection and some slight savagery of intent. They wish to be the King and Queen in the Jungle of this dance we call Tango. Number 61, Oleh Tereshchenko and Maria Turceaninova- Speedy impact and then pause and the girl extends stance. Then off they go again, very nicely too. Number 94, Samuel Hacke and Katarina Hermanova- Very good tango especially when blocked as they then transmitted characterisation of the dance.. lovely jubbly. Number 113, Max Draper and Sofiia Tyshchyk- Good rotational action in tango which sends a message of power. Man could lower his left hand a little to advantage.
Number 16 Mark Chilcote and Madison Ingoldsby show “today's" quickstep with flashing dexterity and they are flying round the floor and using the joints to assist the flight beautifully. They show unconcerned flashy progression which both pleases and thrills. Number 31, Mykhailo Bokii and Ivanna Tymczyszyn employ good mechanics and convey a nice dance too. They completed with whisks on the spot, alternating to the right and to the left. Number 71 Jan Goerling and Hanna Kalpakidis are always in control of both the music and also function. Some very unusual nuances are nice to see. Number 102 Kyrylo Novikov and Tallulah Wilkinson- very good dance by just keeping in motion and they protected fundamental understanding of some aspects which was so good to see.
Number 43, Andrei Toader and Mia Linnik-Holden show a lovely measure and swing. They are both young and also able to transmit vibrancy. Number 8, Glenn Richard Boyce and Caroly Janees are so sophisticated and maturing physically. They have added considerably to both physique, function and also aesthetic nuances. Their chasse to the right could add a trifle more pressure to the closing foot to transmit an even more beautiful aspect. They look like Champions, dance like Champions and behave like Champions, and they are able to dominate and send clear messages of their future intentions. Number 94, Samuel Hacke and Katarina Hermanova use lovely ankle elasticity, which allows their dance to show drive followed by the body swing which follows. Number 69, Dmytro Lishchuk and Yelyzaveta Perepelytsia- Sophisticatedly very good, with a nice stance and well controlled musicality.
Number 3, Evgeny Sveridonov and Angelina Barkova dance multiple reverse waves and it was lovely to see they were able to show excellent control of the timing, so as to transmit excellence on that most lovely figure. This can show the essence of slow foxtrot. Number 8, Glenn Richard Boyce and CarolyJanes have singing, swinging bodies with elasticity of ankle usage, and this young Lady most certainly has adopted that lovely aspect into her expertise. The confidence of previous wins, has allowed them to develop a confidence which is the asset of assets for a Champion exponent. Number 115, Cezary Szymanski and Julia Domaradzka- such style indeed, coupled to soft footfall by using body joints so well. This is a classy couple. Number 107, Pawel Kostrzewa and Martyna Lewandowska show such clear body tone and lines which are a marvellous asset and the jacket sleeves are creating excellent line effectiveness.
Number 11, Karol Sledz and Natalia Szymczak- This pair have excellent feel for the characterisation of the dance and it shows instantly. Number 8, Glenn Richard Boyce and CarolyJanes - aah a shrug of instant impact. They are unafraid to be static and to devour the music as if it was edible. Number 103, YuJie Tang and AiNi Zhao- Very clever floorcraft and they are able to produce very fast speed of foot placements on the quicks and then they dwell on a slow. They have a compact stance as is required in tango and are a dangerous pair of exponents, who will pick up marks a plenty.
Number 8, Glenn Richard Boyce and CarolyJanes - Flashing dexterity with lovely movement plus progression. They have a barrowload of assets and use them all with such fluency when producing scatter chases, it's stunning. Number 16, Mark Chilcote and Madison Ingoldsby are dancing to thrill and to be thrilled too, with an exceptional ability to change body weight from foot to foot. Number 94, Samuel Hacke and Katarina Hermanova have a nice variance of timing on scatter chasses. Some some slight stilt of foot placements but so glamorous and full of life. Number 93, Kosei Sotome & Eika Sotome have very good use of function but the man’s head portrayed too much busyness. Number 80, Savelii Valyn and Bozhena Turchyna are leaping like stags flying over fences with a look of joy, coupled with good use of wise procedure.
On they come, all ultra anxious of course to do well and to perhaps be able to incite the audience into cheering for them...I wish them all well.
Number 18 Vadym Negrebetskyi and Kornelia Kopaczynska show a lovely line milking action which was enhanced by their use of musicality. Number 8, Glenn Richard Boyce and CarolyJanees- Lovely hair style from this young lady of dance and she sure is 50 per cent of the partnership, as a participator of such excellence. Number 84, Marco Sirocchi and Dora Kilin dance a very nice foxtrot and this is a marvellous attribute to be able to show. This dance demands so much input to create what seems to be mere purity and in fact it is much more than that.
It seems that every Lady in this final has a longer right arm than ever before, so as to allow the stance from the male exponents. Number 103, YuJie Tang and Aini Zhao show excellent understanding which those judges will recognise and mark. They stay in control emotionally as well as creating effective fundamentals. Every couple on this floor have assets which are formidable and it is a great achievement to be in this semi final. In Viennese waltz I must say that I love the restricted syllabus, which ensures that couples have to work to create the assets so desirable in this beautiful dance which is often ignored in practise sessions. The great exponent of the dance Harry Smith Hampshire however would have been disappointed at the lack of a sufficiency of fleckerls on show. He advocated a MINIMUM of 8 bars in direction as a must have and he explained alternative sway actions which many top couples adopted to further enhance the glance. It is not easy to acquire expertise in this dance but if you do concentrate and improve your performance it can bring rich rewards. Generally in this semi final, my interest was disturbed by tangos and quicksteps which detracted considerably from the requirements as there seemed to be hardly a constrainment to include those lovely figures such as open natural turns from proomenade position or a lovely running right turn with the quicker than usual timing to satisfy today's requirements. Perhaps a running cross chasse which seems utterly simple but in my opinion, can give so much trouble being learned properly. Would you look geriatric if those figures were included? I can only say that in a wondrous lecture given in the Empress Ballroom years ago, Richard and Janet Gleave demonstrated a quickstep. This included pure basics for the entire length of the Empress Ballroom plus 1 short side and then they exploded into magnificent structure which had the audience too. Their escalation included for example four consecutive hops on one eyes and ears still glaze over at the recollection.
Image Credit: Tomasz Reindl