4th March 2024
6 year and Under 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- Shappelles Oliver and Company Team
2nd- Latin Steps Sing Team
3rd- Fevers Tangled
14yr and under, 4 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Beyonce Team
2nd- Dance Unity Immortal Team
3rd- Art in Motion Motown
4th- Dubai College Latin Team
Please Note: Chairman Decision was made to award Joint 1st to Latin Steps Beyonce Team and Dance Unity Immortal Team.
The results for those teams placed 3rd-4th, were therefore amended to 2nd-3rd respectively.
Junior 4 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Angel & Demons Team
2nd- Fevers Hairspray Team
3rd- Dance Unity Super Bowl Team
4th- Art in Motion Junior Team
5th- Zig Zag Dirty Dancing
Please Note: Chairman Decision was made to award Joint 1st to Latin Steps Angels & Demons Team and Fears Hairspray Team.
The results for those teams placed 3rd-5th, were therefore amended to 2nd-4th respectively.
Adult 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- DSV Dance Impression
2nd- KLA Adult Team
3rd- Shappelles Ladies Team
4th- Latin Steps Africa Team
Senior 1, 35 & Over 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- KLA Senior Team
2nd- Latin Steps Senior Team
3rd- Gold Swing Zywiec
8 year and under 6-8 Couple Team
1st- Fevers Frozen Team
10 year and under 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Carnival Team
2nd- Dance Unity Greatest Showman Team
3rd- Shappelles High School Musical Team
Juvenile 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Juvenile Team
2nd- The Juvenile Fever Latin Team Preston
3rd- Dance Unity Movies Team
4th- Shappelles Juvenile Team
5th- Art In Motion Spice Girls
Junior 16yr & Under Solo Formation
1st- Dance Unity Icons Team
Juvenile 12yr & Under Solo Formation
1st- Dance Unity Witches and Wizards
Junior absolute beginner 4 Couple
1st- Zig Zag Putting on the Ritz
2nd- Dubai College Latin Team
6 year and under 4 Couple Teams
1st- Stardust Teenie Gems
Adult 4 Couple Teams
1st- Shappelles Queen Team
2nd- Shappelles Rocky Team
3rd- Dance Envy Men in Black Team
4th- Latin Steps Earth Team
Senior 1, 35 and Over 4 Couple Teams
1st- Stardust Over 35s Ladies
2nd- The Manchester Latin Team
8 year and under 4 Couple Team
1st- Art in Motion Beauty and the Beast
2nd- Fevers Frozen Team
3rd- Shappelles Moana Team
4th- Dance Unity Lion King Team
10 year and under 4 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Mamma Mia Team
2nd- Art in Motion Mulan
3rd-Dance in Unity Grease Team
4th- Shappelles Frozen Team
5th- Shappelles Disco Team
Juvenile 4 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Tribal Team
2nd- Shappelles Juvenile 4 Couple Team
3rd- Dance Unity Pirates of the Caribbean Team
Adult Solo Formation, 8-16 Dancers
1st- Stardust Ibiza Team
Adult Classical Sequence, 4-8 Couple
1st- Parkerdance
Junior Absolute Beginner 6-8 Couple
1st- Stardust Divas
14 year and under 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- Dance Unity Chicago Team
Junior 6-8 Couple Teams
1st- Latin Steps Hunger Games Team
2nd- The Junior Fever Latin Team Preston
3rd- Shappelles Junior Team
4th- Art in Motion Peaky Blinders
For more results please visit easycompsoftware.co.uk