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The Dance Review

Reports from afar...

Barry Peinke reports on the benefits of Live Streaming the Blackpool Dance Festival.

What a massive bonus live streaming is in this modern world.

No matter where you are in the world you are able to join all the good things there are at the Blackpool Dance Festival.

Last night it was fabulous to be able to watch the terrific Ballroom dancing of the Over 50s and my goodness dance certainly keeps you looking young and taking pride in your appearance.

Then there was a brilliant and so exciting Under 21 Latin. The talent was incredible and how those young dancers responded to the magical sounds of Ashley Frohlick and the Empress Orchestra.

Of course one of the highlights of Saturday Night is the world renowned Blackpool Team Match described by the Chairman Robert Bellinger as "The infamous Blackpool Team Match". I might have been sitting at home thousands of miles away from the action but thanks to the live TV I was transported to Blackpool. I too had the spine tingles, toe tapping, hand clapping, mouth cheering, heart thumping experience.

One could so clearly see on the dancers faces their love for their art, their joy at being able to use the magnificent large floor and free from the tension of intense competition they could show their very best dancing and innermost feelings. Create a rapport with the audience. They might have always dreamed about dancing at the Blackpool Team Match but this was NOW and it was happening and they were loving it.


Somehow those judges' scores did not matter; this was love for dance at its finest. Little wonder the audience in the hall (and we at home) were caught up in something very special and for that last jive we were all on our feet.

Even now as I write this the pictures crowd my mind and send the goosebumps all over.

Live streaming is awesome.

I am so glad and grateful I could share a little of "Blackpool and Friendship through the Dance"



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